
Profitability Of Position in Running (Horse Racing)

This article is related to expected position in running (galloping racing) and once again highlights the overall poor performance of horses which are back markers.

The raw information is from a very good set of Rankings for the top ranked horse in each race. The overall figures are:-


So approximately break even or potentially profitable using Best of SP/Top Tote. As an aside an ideal set of selections to run with RewardBet because simply adding in some Random Selections (with your main selection a banker for 1st) will be quite a bit of fun and based on our extensive analysis will be a few percent profitable.


So in this context the leaders are being over bet and the back markers are not being sufficiently penalized. A Loss of 28% POT on what are otherwise, as a group, break even and solid selections is very hard to overcome.

Food for thought when deciding which runners to back with your hard earned money.

A good form guide or looking at historical videos should give you an idea of where your horse will be placed in a race. More professional information or "race maps" can add significantly to your confidence here.